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bustor where it is mixed with fuel (typically JP fuel) and then ignited. The burning of the fuel raises the temperature of the air which is then exhausted out of the engine creating thrust. A modern turbofan engine can operate at

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Jet engines use a number of rows

Jet engine
Main article: Jet engine
Turbofan Jet Engine

Jet engines use a number of rows of fan blades to compress air which then enters a combustor where it is mixed with fuel (typically JP fuel) and then ignited. The burning of the fuel raises the temperature of the air which is then exhausted out of the engine creating thrust. A modern turbofan engine can operate at as high as 48% efficiency. 24

There are six sections to a Fan Jet engine:



Working in the automotive industry

While working in the garage is the most common employment opportunities for people fascinated with the automotive industry, it is certainly not the only option that we can choose where we want to take up employment in this industry. Very interesting, though perhaps sometimes quite tedious task for people interested in the subject is the position of consultant in showrooms respective car brands. You have to admit, however, that in order to obtain employment in a place like this should have appropriate knowledge and skills, especially in dealing with customers. Many options of employment also provides production vehicles of different types or auto parts. Employment in this place very often involves simple tasks.

As car dealers cheat?

Used cars are mostly purchased vehicles. Associated with them, however, a certain risk. Although a large part of the parameters of the vehicle is in the documents attached to the car, there are also such parameters, which often indicate the actual state of the car, but still are often counterfeited by selling such cars. One of the most important parameters to which we should pay attention when buying a used car is the amount of kilometers driven by it. Many retailers indulges in illegal manipulations in this area, and then sold their equipment is in much worse condition than shown in the offer.